Christopher played a weekend tournament on both Saturday and Sunday... 7.15 am start on Saturday, 8.30 on Sunday. Why was it we signed him up for football again?And then when we woke up on Saturday, it was to find that the spring-like weather we had enjoyed for the past few weeks had gone, leaving a coating of snow on the ground and more in the air. But the kids played anyway, and we spectators bundled up for the game. Two wins and a loss on Saturday, but they won their group of four... so on to the final
s on Sunday.
Sunday morning was early, but they won the first match... then the second... then the third... and then prepared for the final. Christopher and Gustav "warmed up" for the final by helping the B-team play a half in their own tournament at a nearby field, so a quick dash there, 4 goals, then a quick dash back to the start of the final.
A couple of points to note...
- Both teams in the final were 2003 teams, playing against 2002 boys in a 2002 "easy" tournament. (Christopher's team did have help from 3 2002 boys which really boosted confidence and lifted the level of play.)
- The opponents in the final were Bromma Pojkarna's second best 2003 team (out of 28!)
- Christopher's team meets BP03-2 often - in last week's tournament they lost to them 0-1, and the week before it was 0-6... Christopher has played against them so often that he knows most of their names.
- And the end result was a clear win 6-0 for IFK Stocksund - and some very happy boys.