Christopher loves football - and in my unbiased opinion, he's actually pretty good. His Stocksund IF team plays only once a week, no matches, so we looked into a new team that is just starting, IFK Stocksund, which is much more intense. Intense like training 3 times a week, 2-3 matches a week... Intense like a trainer who really makes them train, and takes practice matches as a real teaching opportunity, not just a chance to kick back and relax. Intense like I'm not sure how long we will last...
Since he's only 6-going-on-7 and the team just started, he only has 2 practices a week, so the intensity is still manageable. But at the last training, the coach invited him and one other boy to play a match with the 8-year-olds. The whole family went out to cheer him on. He was so little out there - a head shorter than the others - amazing what a difference a year makes.
And the match... Well, let's just say that if the ref called all the fouls (which he didn't), there would have been a whistle every 10 seconds. We later found out that this particular team (the opponents) is known for rough play - pushing, elbowing, grabbing shirts, etc. And after the third IFK Stocksund player went off in tears after getting an elbow in the face, one of the other side's moms said "What sensitive children!" Right. Like to see how she would like getting elbowed in the face by her son. Yes, football brings out the best in everyone.
Anyway, Christopher did ok, but didn't understand the two most basic concepts - Up and Home - so we will work on that. And he seemed happy to have been in the game, despite being knocked flat on his back one time. His only comment was, "Wow - the other team made a lot of our guys cry."
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