I couldn't figure out what to call this shot - it was somewhere between "Career Choices" and "Annika Doesn't Know How Good She Has It!". So let's start with the career choices...
Annika would make a wonderful teacher - she patiently works with Benjamin (and sometimes Christopher) on reading, writing and math. She likes putting together math worksheets, and sometimes writes "books" of exercises. Benjamin will eagerly do any of his homework assignments with her - somehow she is a lot more fun than me.
Benjamin would make a wonderful writer or an inventor. Instead of focusing on any one task, he is always off in a fantasy land, telling long stories about friends, bad guys, etc. Or he is building forts, hide-outs and homes for stray animals out of pretty much anything - trash, scraps of wood, couch cushions. Of course, if the creative side doesn't pan out, he can always train as a masseuse - he loves giving massages, and is quite serious about it. Though any one massage rarely lasts more than a minute, he is very methodical, working with fingers, palms and elbows to give the best effect.
Christopher has his heart set on either being a cleaner (he wants to quit school before it has even started to come and clean my office) or a security guard (to keep the bad guys away from the local amusement park, Gröna Lund). He actually wants to live at Gröna Lund - and has plans for moving all the rides inside his house in the winter time.
Of course, the boys may give up these dreams in favor of being... hairdressers. Yep - last night, after her shower, Annika made an irresistable offer to them - "Boys, would you like to dry my hair?" They lept at the opportunity, bringing in a bench for her to sit on, a book for her to read (Christopher's current favorite - Kasper the football/soccer player) and then divided up tasks. One manned the blow dryer while the other manned the brush. And Annika enjoyed every minute!
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